Interchanging Rail Traffic
since 1889
Items of Interest Archives

Merchants Bridge Wins Award

Charting the Course for Logistics Podcast
The session will feature updates from representatives of the St. Louis region’s world-class multimodal freight network and the barge industry who will discuss the latest trends in freight movement through the region by rail, river, roads and runways and highlight the tremendous optionality for shippers that exists in the bi-state area.

The St. Louis Regional Freightway yesterday announced it added three Illinois locations– Admiral Parkway, Forest Boulevard and Granite City Buildings and Land– to its pipeline of rail-accessible industrial real-estate sites. The additions bring the number of St. Louis Regional Freightway rail access sites to 20, spread across 16 locations, according to a press release. The new site locations are more than 1,150 acres combined. Admiral Parkway in Dupo, Illinois, is the largest and encompasses 1,000 of those acres, with rail service potential through Union Pacific Railroad. The property is located within an enterprise zone and a tax incremental financing district, and it is adjacent to Interstate 255.
TRRA Wins ASLRRA Jake Safety Award
“The rail industry operates on a safety-first rule, and the Jake Awards are one measurement of the constant, daily focus the short-line industry applies to operations in order to bring everyone home safely, every night,” said ALSRRA President Chuck Baker.
To receive a Jake Award, an ASLRRA member must perform better than the industry average reportable injury frequency rate for railroads other than Class Is.
Central Region Jake Award winners are: Watco Switching Services; Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis; Red River Falley & Western Railroad; Kyle Railroad Co.; and Rail Logix Ameriport. Read more…
TRRA replaces 130-year-old Merchants Bridge with new construction.